We are excited to welcome our newest EAC Intern, Elliot, from Shanghai, China. Elliot writes about his first impressions of the Evanston Art Center in the blog post below:
This artwork is created by Nancy Delman in 2017. It is a type of oil on paper and untitled now. When I first saw it, it attracted me because of its special color and pained expression. In this painting, a woman in pain and despair leans against a tree. Besides, the main color is visually striking and makes people feel negative and depressed. I think it vividly expresses that the artist has a confusion and fear to the reality.

这个艺术品由Nancy Delman 在2017年创作。这是一种纸面油画,没有标题。当我第一眼看到它,它别致的颜色和人物痛苦的表情就深深地吸引了我。在这幅画中,一个痛苦和绝望的女人靠在一棵树上。另外,它的主色调给人一种强烈的视觉冲击,给人带来一种消极和忧郁的感受。我认为这幅画形象生动地表达了一种对现实的困惑和恐惧。
Posted by Elliot Lin, from Shanghai University, China.