EAC Teen Board


Evanston Art Center 2023-24 Teen Board Members
Evanston Art Center 2023-24 Teen Board Members


Self-Love Exhibition for Mental Health Awareness APPLY HERE!

This exhibition explores topics of mental health, self-love, and healing. Your artwork should reflect your personal encounters with these themes. Our goal is to encourage conversations around diverse mental health experiences and teach younger students about mental health awareness. 

You must submit a short artist statement with your application describing your experiences and the process behind your work. Artist statements should be 150-300 words. Here are optional prompts to consider for your artwork/artist statement:

  • Why is mental health important to you? 
  • What is an experience that was pivotal to your personal growth or understanding of yourself?
  • What brings you joy in challenging moments? 
  • Where or with whom do you feel the safest?
  • What is something you love about yourself?  

Artwork submission guidelines

  • You may submit up to 3 pieces (Due to limited space, we may not select all of your pieces for the exhibition.)
  • Artwork must be original artwork (no generative AI allowed) 
  • Artwork must be 2D, digital, or photographs (We cannot accept 3D work) 
  • Artwork cannot be larger than 24” x 24” 

Important Timeline Dates

Please let us know if the dates conflict. Due to limited space, we may not select all of your pieces for the exhibition. 

  • Accepting submissions: February 1st - March 16th
  • Notification Date: March 19th 
  • Artwork Drop-off: March 20th - 30th 
  • Show Dates: April 6 - 20th 
  • Opening Reception: Sunday, April 6th 12-2 pm
  • Artwork Pick-up:  April 21st - April 30th 


View the 2023-2024 Teen Board Mural!

Join the EAC's Teen Board


Are you a teenager who is passionate about art and interested in engaging with the art community? The Evanston Art Center (EAC) is seeking creative youth leaders to join our Teen Board. By joining EAC's Teen Board, you will act as a teen ambassador and foster community to make EAC a welcoming, accessible, and relevant space for Evanston and Chicagoland youth. Teen Board members can develop community art events, earn volunteer hours, and interact with contemporary artists in the community.

Applicants should be:

- an Evanston or Chicagoland high school student

- aspiring leaders who are passionate about art 

- able to communicate effectively with group members, leaders, and EAC staff

- committed to learning about the arts and enthusiastic about engaging with other artists  

- committed to fostering community and making EAC a welcoming, accessible, and relevant space for Evanston and Chicagoland youth

- available on Wednesdays from 5:00 - 6:30 pm

Responsibilities of EAC's Teen Board members: 

- attend group meetings (There are typically 8-12 meetings per semester that may range from 1.5 - 2 hours, except holidays and midterm/final exam weeks) 

- actively participate in group meetings 

- work with fellow Teen Board members to organize and lead 2-3 community art events at EAC during the school year

- volunteer a minimum of 25 volunteer hours per year (volunteer hours include: weekly meetings, community events, art show openings, etc) 

Selected applicants will be asked to join us in person (or via Zoom) for a brief interview, a tour of the Evanston Art Center, and an opportunity to meet current Teen Board members. 

Questions? Contact Tanea Crawford at tcrawford@evanstonartcenter.org 
Follow us on Instagram at @EACteens