Beth Herman Adler
We Are All Vessels
2023, 6’ x 6’
Cyanotype, acrylic paint, white charcoal used on food boxes
Beth Herman Adler is a mixed media two dimensional artist who focuses on exploring
the mark making from the intersection of natural forms and synthetic materials. She has
created two series forms of vessels, one is modern vessel print, the other is ancient
vessels painted on food boxes, which is “We Are All Vessels”. By underpainting the food
boxes with a certain tone of colour, the dullness of paint had created a contrast between
the vessel and the golden background while remaining harmonious by having part of the
boxes with the low saturation base with the dim blue coloured vessels. The vessel is
well painted with the care of details and sense of three dimensional, while designed to
not have much shadow in the background let the vessels to be clearly seen and seems
to be popping out from the background. By putting vessels from different ancient
civilizations together, it allows audiences to have a comparison between the similarities
and differences in what our ancestors created without having any connection to other