On Sunday, March 20 at 2pm, join us for an in-person lecture, "Digging Deep into Revision" featuring Ignatius Valentine Aloysius. Register today!
This lecture is a part of the ongoing EAC series, In Focus. In Focus features a variety of talks and presentations by artists, art professionals, historians and more!
We know how essential revision is to our writing. Some authors make ongoing revisions while working on their drafts, while others prefer to wait until their drafts are complete, yet others put it off until courage comes knocking. No matter, there is no single magic way, and we must revise, because rewriting always brings us closer to a refined work. Or does it? And how often must we revise? How do we know when we are finished? In this craft lecture, we will take on these questions. Ignatius will share strategies, and frame revision as a journey of discovery, wrong turns, and surprises that breathe fresh life into our stories. Ignatius will show us that revising is not so much an act of taking up a shovel and digging through the draft as it is employing a deep-well augur to find our true source.
Come with notebook and pen at hand, and bring a writing example of your own (short story, poem, or essay), as we will also do some revision writing exercises with prompts.
Ignatius Valentine Aloysius is a naturalized U.S. citizen, born in India and raised in Mumbai by a Tamilian father and Anglo Indian mother. He earned his MFA in Creative Writing from Northwestern University, where he won the distinguished thesis award for fiction. He is an adjunct lecturer in writing at Northwestern’s Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, and author of the literary novel Fishhead. Republic of Want (Tortoise Books, 2020), an experimental work. Ignatius was selected as a 2020-21 Creative Writing Fellow by the Ludington Writers Board and the Ludington Area Center for the Arts in Michigan. He is a designer and musician, creator of The Imaginal Stage, a doom/sludge metal album by WOOND, his studio project released on Mental Illness Recordings in Iowa City (woond.bandcamp.com). He is also co-curator of Sunday Salon Chicago, a literary reading event series, now in its 15th year. Ignatius serves as a judge for the Evanston Arts Council’s Cultural Fund Grants Application program focusing on BIPOC applicants. He was a La Casita Writer-in-Residence at el Ranchito Cielito con Nopales in La Union, New Mexico, and he fulfilled residencies at Ragdale Foundation, an arts community in Lake Forest, Illinois, where he currently sits on both its curatorial and diversity boards. Ignatius lives with his wife in Evanston, Illinois. You can learn more about him at www.ignatiusaloysius.com or @ignatius2u on Twitter.
This lecture was originally scheduled as a hybrid lecture, however, will be held in-person only at the Evanston Art Center. Register today!
THE SAFETY AND SECURITY OF OUR VISITORS AND EAC STAFF IS ESSENTIAL. ALL visitors are required to wear masks. Please adhere to 6' social distancing requirements when in the gallery space.
This event is free and open to the public.