June 8 - 30, 2019
Opening Reception: Friday, June 7 from 5-8pm
Brian Madonna received his BFA at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Using heavily-bodied oil paint, BrianÔÇÖs work primarily examines the individual through figurative work, dissecting the human condition. He has shown work in New York, Philadelphia, Delaware, and Chicago. Brian currently lives and works in New York City.
Using heavily-bodied oil paint and severe expressive marks my work unpacks the human condition, empathizing with our fragile state. Beginning autobiographically, I draw the viewer towards a re´¼éection upon their own position. From power relationships to existential questions, my paintings use the construction of the ´¼ügure and its abuse to further the discourse of universal experience. My ambition is to challenge the optimistic Humanist demanding a fuller engagement with what we share in our humanity. Through impairment of the human ´¼ügure in my work, the injury imposed communicates a desire for the full restoration of form. From the dis´¼ügured faces humanity peers forth demanding to capture the viewers gaze.