January 11 - February 16, 2020
Opening Reception: Sunday, January 19 from 1-4pm
The Evanston Art Center boasts over 90 accomplished artists as faculty members teaching in ten visual art departments. This January, we spotlight over 60 of our talented instructors in this biennial exhibition displaying the breadth and depth of our faculty's artistic abilities.
This exhibition is a visual testament to the dedication and professionalism of our faculty who both teach and maintain their own artistic practice. Every EAC department is represented including Art Seminars, Artistic Forms, Ceramics, Digital Media & Photography, Drawing & Painting, Figure Sculpture, Jewelry & Metalsmithing, Printmaking, Woodworking, and Youth Fine Art. Through their teaching and hands-on experience as practicing artists, they motivate and educate our youth and adult students to make time and space for creative expression. Join us in celebrating our tremendous EAC Faculty and their own works of art!
Sandra Bacon, Nolan Baumgartner, Paul Berg, Bryana Bibbs, Elizabeth Brent, Stephanie Brohman, Fiona Craig, Molly Cranch, Emily Culbert, Kathy Cunningham, Karen Daughtry, Darlys Ewoldt, Bill First, Nathan Florsheim, Linny Freeman, Noelle Garcia, David Gista, Barbara Goldsmith, Devin Hanson, Lisa Harris, Joshua Herman, John Herron, Suzanne Horwitz, Yuko Inoue-Darcy, Amber Johnson, Steve Juras, Sarah Kaiser-Amaral, Raeleen Kao, Bonnie Katz, Millicent Kennedy, Jill King, Patty Kochaver, Michelle Kogan, Anne Leuk, Roberta Miles, Ken Minami, Lyndsay Murphree, Akemi Nakano Cohen, Nicole Nienow, Didier Nolet, Duffy O'Connor, Leslie Orenstein, Tracy Ostmann Haschke, Nicole Paulina, Leslie Perrino, Virginia Roeder, Robin Samiljan, Jordan Scott, Nancy Sickbert-Wheeler, Eleanor Spiess-Ferris, Kasia Stachowiak, Jill Stark, Cheryl Steiger, Dan Sullivan, Jill Sutton, Chris Thomas, Jamie Thome, Janet Trierweiler, Nina Weiss, Samantha Younis, Vivian Zapata and Annie Zirin.
Melodies on Canvas II
Concert & Reception: Sunday, February 2 from 1:30 - 3pm
The Evanston Art Center (EAC) is excited to collaborate with students from the Academy of the Music Institute of Chicago (MIC) to create a series of four musical performances inspired by four pieces of artwork on display in the 2020 EAC Faculty Exhibition. Each string quartet will perform in the EAC First Floor Gallery in front of the artwork that inspired the piece.
Featured artwork includes The Ties That Bind by Sarah Kaiser-Amaral, Hero by Dan Sullivan, Reckoning by Jill Sutton and Gretchen by Janet Trierweiler.
Participating MIC Students include Dasani String Quartet (Isabella Brown, violin; Jasmine Lin, MIC Faculty Member, violin; Zechary Mo, viola; Brandon Cheng, cello) and Gemini String Quartet (Noelle Naito, violin; Jonah Kartman, violin & viola; Isabel Chen, violin & viola; Cameron Chiu, cello).