February 16 - March 10, 2019
Opening Reception: Saturday, February 16, 1-4pm
Generation F-Stop combines photography with journal writing as an empowering way for students to identify, examine and visually articulate relevant issues shaping their lives. Using digital cameras, youth participants learned how to evaluate content and creatively express their ideas while keeping journal records of their experience.
The Evanston Art Center recognizes the unique potential that art has to spark creativity, support educational growth, and promote personal development in people of all ages and backgrounds.
This program is in partnership with Family Focus, Y.O.U. and YWCA.
The mission of Family Focus is to promote the well-being of children from birth by supporting and strengthening families in and with their communities. We help parents gain confidence and competence as the primary caregivers and educators of their children. We provide parents and their children with critical resources and learning opportunities to encourage healthy development in their communities.
Y.O.U. is a youth development agency that provides services and leadership to meet the emerging needs of young people and their families in our community.
YWCA Evanston/North Shore is a social justice organization whose mission is to eliminate racism and empower women. Everything we do is based on the belief that all women have the right to be safe and choose the direction of their lives.
Funding for this program was generously provided by the Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation.
CLICK HERE to learn more about our Outreach programming.