ON VIEW: August 20 – September 25, 2022

Contemporary Needlepoint Created at The Needle’s Excellency
The evolution of a traditional craft into an art form.
People who needlepoint enjoy its meditative nature and its challenge to their artistic abilities.
Traditionally, needlepoint embroidery was used for upholstery due to the sturdy nature of the canvas and wool. In the 1970s, a variety of fibers came on the scene and a number of designers started painting patterns for needlepoint. There was a resurgence and excitement over this new hobby.
Its popularity has continued to the present, as the possibilities have expanded immeasurably.
Amrita Goldberg has been a needlepoint instructor and advisor at The Needle’s Excellency in Evanston for many years. Her background in the Fine Arts has been her motivation to approach the craft of needlepoint through a creative lens. Her students are skilled and inventive stitchers whose talent, enthusiasm, and perseverance have produced remarkable and unique works of art on canvas using a variety of stitches and fibers. Amrita holds a BFA from Sir J.J. School of Art in Bombay, India, and an MFA from The Art Institute of Chicago.
The Needle’s Excellency was established in the early seventies. It was a time of growing popularity for needle arts and they decided to join the trade that promised personal satisfaction in working on a project of your own choice and, if you chose, participating in group workshops and classes.
In time our classes became the most popular part of our business, with substantial numbers of participants enrolling in our workshops on a continuous basis throughout the years. If you are interested in our schedule of workshops and classes please call.
Needless to say, we carry a wide range of designs, fibers and accessories and provide expert needlepoint finishing and framing.

This exhibition will be held in the Main Second Floor + Atrium Gallery of the Evanston Art Center (EAC). Masks are optional but strongly recommended for students, visitors and staff.
Gallery Hours
Monday–Thursday: 9am–6pm
Friday: 9am–5pm
Saturday–Sunday: 9am–4pm
If you are interested in purchasing artwork on display, please contact Audrey Avril, Manager of Exhibitions, at [email protected] or (847) 475-5300 x 107.