We would like to sincerely thank our generous Capital Campaign contributors who have made a pledge to sustain the Evanston Art Center for future generations.
(Listed in alphabetical order, pledges as of January 11, 2016)
Jane Fulton Alt
Dr. Frances Anderson
Doris Ann and James Arnold
The ATHENA fund
Ann and Dave Baker
Elizabeth and Rick Bald
Jennifer Ball
Brian and Ann Balusek
Gary and Elizabeth Bannon
Patricia Barnes
Carole Bass
Harold Bauer, EAC Trustee and Karen Bauer
Linda Beck, EAC Board President Elect and Dr. Eric Estes
Tammy and Ted Becker
Kathleen M. Bell
Rae Benjamin, EAC Trustee
Beverly Bennett
Anne Berkeley
Jan Berkson
Diane and Karl Berolzheimer
Barbara and John Blades
Bluestone Restaurant
Margaret Boccard
Larry Boswell, EAC Director of IT and Administration
Phyllis Bramson
Laurel Breitkopf
Thomas and Deborah Brejcha
Christine Bridger, EAC Trustee
Peter Brinckerhoff
Bob and Marcy Brower
Mary K. Brown
Richard and Lisa Brown
Robert and Deborah Brown
W. Keith Brown, EAC Director of Education
William and Ellen Browne
Alan Brunettin
Patty Buck
Carol and Tom Butler
James and Maureen Carroll
Caryl L. Carlsen and D. Patrick Carr
CBRE Chicago
John and Jane Chapman
Harvey and Marianna Choldin
Jan and Frank Cicero
City of Evanston
The Claire Sucsy Group
Tom and Nancy Clark
Barbara and Richard Cochran
Michael and Patricia Cohen
Sonia and Aaron Cohen
Ann and Roger Cole
RJ Coleman
Kate Collinson
George Contarsy
Kathy S. Cottong
Karen Courtright
Phyllis Cretors
Tilden Cummings
Daphne Hoch Cunningham
Robert and Chie Curley
David and Susan Curry
W.C. Dandridge Jr. and Judy Smith-Dandridge
Paula Danoff, EAC Director of Development and Jeff Danoff
Nancy and Dennis Delman
Nancy and Dean Dickie
Norah Diedrich
MIcheal Dillon
Sue Dix
Rachel and Linné Dosé
Lisa Downey
James Driscoll
Susan Page Estes
Kevin and Joan Evanich
Evanston Community Foundation
Debra Favre
Loretta Ferlauto
The Fiegen Family
Field Foundation
First Bank & Trust
Mary and Paul Finnegan
Father William Flaherty
William Floyd, EAC Trustee and Marilyn Floyd
Ellen Fogarty
Marc Frazer and Rick Lenell
Ruth Freeark
Judith Roston Freilich
Gwyn Friend
Victoria Fuller
Maurice and Muriel Fulton
George and Ellen Galland
Margaret and Neil Gambow
Mary Gaspar
Arnold and Susan Ginsburg
Philip E. Goldsmith
Ira E. Graham
Jennifer Graham
Michael and Wynn Graham
The Grainger Foundation
Priscilla Greene
Stacey Greenberger
Eve Greer
Emily Guthrie
Cameel and Hoda Halim
Hammer/Razowsky Family
Susan and Stuart Handler
James Hardgrove, EAC Trustee
Charles and Kathleen Harper
David and Beth Hart
Jerome Hausman
Joseph and Betty Lou Hayden
Anne M. Heinz
Katlyn Hemmingsen, EAC Trustee
Alicia Hempfling
Karen and Charles Hemphill
Ron and Kathy Henrichs
Michael and Claire Heyman
Brandon Hill
John Himmelfarb
Jean Hirsch
Liane and David Hodgman
Thomas and Barbara Honn
MaryLou and Mitch Horwat
Deborah Horwitz and Paul Nierman
Jim and Ninette Houk
Anthony House
Paulette and Bobby Hubert
Mark Hudson
Milena Hughes
Harry Hunderman and Deborah Slaton
Karen Hunt, EAC VP Treasurer
Timothy Hurley
Christine and Rick Huszagh
William and Carol Hyatt
Roger Hymen
Jeanette Imbus
Catherine Iverson
Diane Ives
Sandra Jackson
John R. Jacobs, EAC Trustee
Anita Jacobson, in memory of Shirley Levin
Joanne Jacobson, in memory of Shirley Levin
Pete and Debbie Jacobsen
Judi and Jerry Jacover
Donald and Susan Jeffers
Bernard and Ann Jennett
Colleen Jersild
John J. Cahill, Inc.
Karl and Indira Johnson
Judith Joseph
The Jungbluth Family
Howard and Carol Kain
Sarah Kaiser-Amaral
Lynn and Eric Kaplan
Susan Kaplan
Erica Karp
Allan and Carri Kaufman
The Kaufman Family
Sueko Kawamura
Sarah Kelly
Sylvia Kerpel
Paul Khoury and Nefrette Halim
Ron and Jin Soo Kim
Judy Koon
Eileen Koven
Linda L. Kramer
Phylllis Krause-Braun and Jerome Braun
Bruce Kresnoff and Lucille Herman
Kurz & Company
Claire and John Labbe
William Lampkin
Russell Lane and Nina Donnelly
William Lasko and Linda Gartz
Kathy and Larry Leck
Boruch Lev
Marcia Levy
Marcy Lickerman
Tess Lickerman, EAC Board President and Tod Lickerman
Rhita Lippitz
Larry Lundy
Warren and Sally Lupel
John and Coni Lyman
Jay and Bonnie Lytle
Rochelle Magid
Scott Harris and Lisa Harris Mason
Ann Mazza
Jane McCarthy
William and Pamela McGaghie
Jim and Cass McHolland
Jock and Joan McLane
Leslie McMillan, EAC Trustee
Amy Melnicsak
Bert Menco
Joseph V. Messer, M.D.
Kathy Miehls
Lucia Miller
Jess Mininger
Ben and Barbara Mittman
Thomas and Susan Moran
Charles and Mary Mount
Richard Naponelli
Gregory Neal
Susan Nelson
Lucy and John Nersesian
Sally Neuert
Michael and Gina Neumann
Lucy Newsome
Judith A. Nolan
Julian and Sheila Oettinger
Beatriz M. Olivera
Oscar Isberian Rugs
O'Shaughnessy Family Foundation
Brian Ottman
Aaron Pancost and Holly Gorman
Marie Simone Pavlovich
Fay Peck
Joseph E. Perkoski, EAC Trustee and Nancy Perkoski
Simon and Kim Perutz
David and Sue Peterson
Lawrence Pinto
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Ellen and Jon Pliska
Naomi Pollak
Gerald Powers, M.D.
Kenneth Powers, EAC Trustee
Rita F. Price
Col. Jennifer N. Pritzker
Timothy and Jean Ramsey
Clouia Rath
Alice Rebechini and Lee Joric
Barry Reichel and Barbara Goldsmith Reichel
Judith I. Reinemann
David and Holly Reynolds
Karen Ribbon, EAC Trustee and George Ribbon
Kelly Roberts
Virgil and Marilynn Robinson
Margaret and Dwyer Roche
Natalie Roche
Benjamin Rose
Jim and Trude Roselle
Kathleen Rospenda
Fredrick Ruda
Mike Sackheim
John Saliba, EAC VP and Judy Falconer
Christine Sammel
Vera Scekic and Robert Osborne
Edna Schade
Renee Schleicher, EAC Secretary
Richard Schleicher
Sylvia and Paul Schneider
Alex Schultheis and Adrea Mainelli
Myra Schwartz
Vicki Schwartz-Mided
Brad and Betsy Scott
Margaret Sents
Mel Septon and Kathy Stone
Britt Shawver
Katy Sheppard
Minerva Sherer
Scott and Carrie Sherer
Carol Shukur
Carolyn Sills
Rob Sills, EAC Trustee and Janie Sills
Stephen Silverman and Janet Leder
Gloria Sinclair
Jane Sisco-Perkins
Kathy H. and Robert Z. Slaughter
Martha Winans Slaughter
Chronda and David Spurlin
Catherine and Mark Steege
Christine Steel
Eric and Tammy Steele
Sue and Ron Steiner
Anne Smith Stephan
Jan E. Stone
Michelle Stone
Clay and Donna Struve
Gail Struve, EAC Trustee and Ted Struve
Keith Struve
Matthew and Susan Struve
Edward Sutkowski
Donna Sutow
Arlene Tarpey
Katherine and Robert Tate-Bradish
Catherine and John Taylor
Lena and Diane Thodos
Janet Thullen
Mindy Tiberi
Donna Timmermann
Bill and Anne Tobey
M. V. Tobin
Susan Smith Trees
Valery True
Michael J. Tuchman
Andrew Tudor
Annette Turow
Linda Valenti
Will and Johna Van Dyke
Jana Varman
Charlie Vernon
Louise Vick
Kathy and John Vondran
Jonathan Vree, EAC Trustee and Amy Vree
Kimberley Vuitel
Donna and James Waggle
Natalie and Mark Wainwright
Grace Walsh
Marsha Warren
Judith Watt
Wednesday Morning Ceramics Class
Christopher Weiland
Barbara and Gerald Weiner
Marcie B. Weiss
Margaret (Maggie) Weiss
Lauren Wenk
Joffrey Wilson
Marc Wilson and Leslie Brown
Sherry Winger
Susan Wishnick and Allen Steinberg
Nancy Wojcik
Leslie Wolf
Joyce Woods
Ellen and John Wright
Robert and Joan Yohanan
Dana Zingrone